Thursday, July 2, 2009

8 Years?!?!?!?!

As I am getting ready for class tonight, I have to sit back and think how far I have come. Most of you know, I had Chase at a young age, (19) and I was just trying to get by. I started going to Delta in 2000 and then things got harder and I had to work 2 jobs. Being a single parent is not easy and I bow down to those who do it with no help. I know I am thankful everyday that my family was there by myside. But I didn't quit, as soon my luck turned around and GM knocked on my door, I went right back to school. So yes, if you add that up, I have been going to college, ummm around 8 years.
I can remember days sitting in class thinking, oh my I am the oldest one in this class, what am I doing here. But I kept my head up, because I knew I had to do this. Now 8 years later, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I will receive my Bachelors in December! Two more semesters!
And I don't plan on stopping there!
So tonight's class is Interpersonal Communication. It is one of my favorite classes so far. Communication is so important in any relationship you have. You have to be able to communicate to be effective in anything you do. College has been really good to me. I have found out more about myself, about who I am, and what I really want to become. Not so much as a profession, but the kind of person I want to be for husband and my son.
Well off to class. I have a presentation to do tonight on communication through email! Cross your fingers I do good!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rain, again? Haven't we had enough these last couple of months? I guess it is good because my flowers got watered, and I didn't have to do it!! Yeah, one last thing!! Since being laid off, I really was able to work more in my yard and plant more flowers. Usually I don't have time. (imagine that!) This year we (me and the hubby) managed to re-landscape the front yard and put all stones in instead mulch. I found the little squirrels have been taking my mulch and building their nest with it. Along with our snowman's scarf from this year's frosty. Oh, yeah, I was sitting at my desk and all of a sudden I see a scarf flying in the air, and then up the tree! Poor frosty, his neck was cold til the sun came out.
Do you find yourself sleepy when it rains? I do! I sure do sleep good when it is raining. I wonder if it rained all last night? When I sleep good, I snore. I can't help it and I'm not ashamed. I mean everyone snores once in awhile, right? (mmmmm) Well I was just informed I yelled at my husband last night. I don't recall this, but he claims I did. (I'll just agree) He says he woke me up and said, "Honey turnover, you're snoring." And I precede to yell, "Oh, wow, Allison is snoring, big surprise! Newflash!! Allison's snoring!!" Then, I turned on my belly, and was out. How funny is that. =]

Monday, June 29, 2009

Okay, so I'm back! I am going to try real hard to devote time to this everyday! I have manage to spiff up my page (is that a word?) and add some wedding pics. Enjoy!!

What's new Allison??

Well some of you got to read my wedding blog I had during the planning and saw the joy that I had doing it. I absoulutly loved planning my wedding. I really do feel like I missed my calling! Maybe someday I will get into the event planning business. ( Add that to my list!) I could go on and on about my wedding and how perfect it was, but I won't. Let me just say, we are truly blessed! I might blog about it from time to time, but if you have any questions, just ask!! If you have anything you need help with planning, ask! I would be more than willing to do it, and for free!!!