Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I haven't attended a baby shower in about three years. This year I have had four so far. And three where in the same weekend. (One of the baby showers was my sisters. I cannot wait for little Sophia to come in to this world. The shower was awesome, and after planning it, and the wedding, I know for sure I missed my calling.) So you can imagine, I have babies on the mind. But stop right there, I know what you are thinking and the answer is no. Well, at least not until Josh and I get a new house, and win the lotto. =]
It is a nice warm and fuzzy feeling to think about having a little baby. They are so cute, warm, soft, and smell so good. I wonder what it would be like to go back to that stage again. Chase is 10 years old. Wow. What a age difference that would be. I do find myself asking other moms what are the difference in age between their kids. Some may think I am strange, but I want to know how it would work. I did tell Josh that I would not want to be pregnant during the summer. I mean come on, camping, beer tents, you know, the normal Bay Cityian life.
Will it happen??? No one knows. =]